Thanks to Flossy-P for this weeks 'this is' theme. It's got me thinking, and now I've got the guilts on. It's a little embarrassing thinking of all the stuff I've got but never used.
There's the shoes I thought I fell in love with. I rang nearly every Myer store in Victoria for them and I trudged all over Melbourne trying to get my size. And now they just sit in the bottom of the wardrobe collecting dust. I think they must be about 7 years old.

Or what about the fitness books I bought in anticipation to get myself fit and back into shape after having Brooklyn. Hubby always said I'd never use them. Unfortunately, he's always right.

This dress I got when I was pregnant. I planned to wear it to any evening event and then thought I looked too frumpy in it. It fits ok now though.

But the worst sin is this- a complete series of Get Crafty magazine.
I've always been a crafty person, and the series provided tonnes of inspiration and 'how tos' on making jewelery, sewing, needlework, painting techniques, decoupage, sculpting, soft furnishings, baking, lead lighting, patchwork, confectionery making, fabric dying, wood work, and the list goes on....
I had mum and dad go down to the newsagent and collect every single edition for me ( I was only 14 when it came out). It's only recently been pulled out of mum and dads attic due to a clean out and made its way back to me. So 14 years later, I plan to use it.
How funny! I have a few pairs of shoes that just sit in the cupboard too! And I love that dress, it's lovely.
I remember the ads for Get Crafty....that's hilarious!
you'd never look frumpy! the dress looks really nice on you! :o)
LOL...looks like you can get crafty for the rest of your life! What obliging parents you had. ;-)
You can tell your DH that you have now used your exercise books, for your blog. Maybe not the intended use, but still a use.
Love the dress.
That dress IS lovely, I hope you do wear it!
Hehehe, I love that you seem to have raked you whole house gathering unused items. A good practice actually. I hope it leads to some fun craft projects, while doing stomach crunches, wearing a hot dress, and those white shoes! :) Have fun!
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