We try and recycle & reuse, where we can in our household.
* We have the standard issue bins from the council- the green waste, the recyclables and the rubbish. Our rubbish bin is rarely full, meanwhile our poor recycling bin is always overflowing.
* Our washing machine water goes into a drum outside the laundry window. We bought a pump and attached it to the drum so I can now water the garden and lawn. I used to have to stand outside when the washing machine was going and lug the drain hoses around the yard. Not much fun in chilly winter!
* Brooklyns bath water keeps my pot plants watered.
* I make little toys for Brooklyn using odds and ends that I have floating around the house. At the moment she has a fascination with lids. So I strung a couple of lids from old bottles onto some bright ribbon. She loves it!

* Egg cartons are great for raising seedlings in, as are old milk cartons.
* A friend and I swap some of our old clothes that are still in good condition and turn them into outfits for our little ones. A pair of my old cords recently turned into pants and overalls for her little man.
*And nothing beats going to an op-shop to rummage around for fabric and odds and sods. Here's a little skirt I whipped up for 'Little B' from a pair of woolen trousers.

So many great ideas! I love the little caps on ribbon.
I love the colours you use in your blog header. So warm and cheery.
it is great to see little ones playing with simple handmade recycled toys. Brooklyn is beautiful.
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