May 13, 2008

The Best Ever Banana Bread!

Here is something that I am seriously addicted to-banana bread. "Sounds odd", you may say. But wait till you try it! I've tried many recipes and this one is truly the best.

Once cooked, it doesn't last very long in our house- because I eat it ALL -with lashings of butter! If I was allowed, I'd probably eat the whole loaf in one sitting. Not good for the thighs though.... It's great to munch on with a cuppa while trying to tackle with the sewing.
Oh-if you do try this recipe, I use only two bananas.


Cosy said...

mmm, banana cake...

I've got a couple of speckly bananas ATM, I think I'll have to make me some!

Danielle said...

I have to try that banana cake! The recipe looks pretty simple too. Sounds perfect for a rainy weekend in Melbourne.

Lisa [strickerin] said...

Yummers. I love a good banana bread.

Michelle said...

Yummo! This has got to be one of my fave's. I just love banana bread.