A few years back, I was given these two tattered boxes full of sewing patterns from mum. At the time I wasn't a sewer, so the boxes got tucked at the back of the spare room cupboard.
Now that I'm sewing again, I decided to pull out my inherited boxes and see what they actually contained....
I've been sitting on a pot of gold!!- or 'sew' to speak.
These patterns are absolute gems! Flares, kaftan's, mini's, pinafores, you name it, I have it! Some even date back to when my nana was young. Though most are mums from when she was in her early 20's.
Check out some of these outfits.......
I'm in need of a serious wardrobe overhaul and since some of these outfits are 'back in fashion' again, I might give this one a go.
I'll keep you posted.
Valentine’s Day Cards DIY!
2 days ago
wow, there is some gold in there! I'm going to have to come raid your collection!! got any larger sizes in there?! ;o) would love to see some of the ones from the 20's, 30's and 40's!!
Sadly to say, that after checking dates on patterns I don't have any 20's, 30's or 40's. There is a couple from the 50's, 10 or so from the 60's and the bulk being from early 70's, and quite a few from the 80's too. The 60's are my favorite ones!
bummer!! any in larger sizes?! *grin*
All patterns are either a size 10 or 12. I think the sizes 'back in those days' are smaller than now. I'm doing some measuring up, and I'm wondering if I am going to fit into some of them! Mind you, my mum was smaller than me at this age. So some 'tweaking' may be in order.
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